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Banana Guardia 16

Banana Guards Protect Finn

Adventure Time

Season 1, Episode 16

In the episode "The Duke," Finn and Jake are on a quest to find the Ice King's stolen crown. They come across a group of Banana Guards who are guarding a vent. The guards tell Finn that the vent leads to the Ice King's castle, but they will only let him pass if he follows them.

Finn agrees, and the guards lead him to the vent. However, the vent is too small for Finn to fit through. The guards then tell Finn that they will have to enlarge the vent. They use their banana blasters to create an opening large enough for Finn to fit through.

Finn thanks the guards and enters the vent. He eventually finds the Ice King's castle and retrieves the stolen crown.

The Banana Guards' Secret

In the episode "Banana Guards," it is revealed that the Banana Guards are actually protecting Finn from Princess Bubblegum's wrath. Princess Bubblegum has a crush on Finn, and she is jealous of anyone who spends time with him.

The Banana Guards know this, and they want to protect Finn from Princess Bubblegum's wrath. They pretend to be Banana Guard 16 to confuse Princess Bubblegum and keep her away from Finn.

Finn eventually learns the truth about the Banana Guards, and he is grateful for their protection. He knows that the Banana Guards are his friends, and he will always be there for them.


The Banana Guards are a group of loyal and brave friends who are always there for Finn. They are willing to put themselves in danger to protect him, and they will always be there for him. Finn is lucky to have such good friends, and he knows that he can always count on them.
